ADA/Privacy Compliance
We are close to the finish line!!  One item that we take seriously is your security as a company.  So for your brand new website that is almost ready to launch, we will be installing the FREE version of the UserWay widget in addition to adding a standard privacy policy. 

The free version allows for the basic ADA compliance but doesn't guarantee the site is 100% ADA compliant.   If you would like to review the details of the widget and determine if you would like to purchase the full version you can do so by clicking this link.

Please review the privacy policy page that is added to your website and if there are any changes or updates you would like to make, please let your Website coordinator know!

If you would like to continue with the Free UserWay widget and the privacy policy that is on your site, then please sign below and we will make sure everything is ready for launch! 
The action of the sending and receipt of this agreement via electronic method will hold both parties in acceptance of these terms.  The Developer as sender and the Client as recipient will acknowledge acceptance of these terms either through an e-mail noting acceptance or acceptance is acknowledged at the beginning of any work on said project. Electronic signatures shall be considered legal and binding. This contract is held accountable to the legal system of the United States and any applicable statutes held therein.